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User Agent Date Added
bitlybotedit20/12/2012 16:30:50
Readability Test Tool
Bobbyedit10/02/2004 0:55:10
This free service will allow you to test web pages and help expose and repair barriers to accessibility and encourage compliance with existing accessibility guidelines, such as Section 508 and the W3C's WCAG.
CityGridMediaedit19/02/2017 10:00:31
CSSCheckedit1/09/2023 18:24:57
CyberSpyder Link Testedit7/02/2004 13:52:05
CyberSpyder Link Test is a Web site management program to be used for verifying that the URLs on a site are not broken and for analyzing site content.
Cynthiaedit7/02/2004 17:52:19
Cynthia is a web content accessibility validation solution, it is designed to identify errors in design related to Section 508 standards and the WCAG guidelines.
Doctor HTMLedit10/02/2004 1:04:35
Doctor HTML is a Web page analysis tool which retrieves an HTML page and reports on any problems that it finds. The primary focus of this tool is to provide a clear, easy-to-use report of information that is relevant for improving your Web page.
html_analyzeredit25/07/2005 1:28:18
to check validity of Web servers. I'm not sure if it has ever been run remotely.
HtmlQAedit7/02/2004 17:54:46
HtmlQA implements a large number of source checks to detect many common errors, formatting and functionality problems which are not reported by the browsers or help compilers, but which may cause display or functional errors in the final system.
Inspector Webedit8/03/2004 0:12:18
Provide inspection reports which give advise to WWW site owners on missing links, images resize problems, syntax errors, etc.
KG HTML Validatoredit10/02/2004 0:58:03
LinkExchangeedit10/02/2004 0:59:37
LinkScanedit7/02/2004 14:12:22
LinkScan is an industrial-strength link checking and website management tool.
LinkScan checks links, validates HTML and creates site maps
NetMechanicedit25/07/2005 1:00:21
NetMechanic is a link validation and HTML validation robot run using a web page interface.
P3P Validatoredit17/12/2023 18:13:52
Scrubbyedit7/02/2004 17:56:10
We thought we would help our visitors with our knowledge and release this on-line version of our robot Scrubby to help you design a more robot friendly Web page.
Search Engine World Robots.txt Validatoredit7/02/2004 17:58:51
Robots.txt Validator
Url validator adsadv.comedit9/01/2017 18:01:04
Validator.nuedit3/01/2017 23:24:49
ValidURLedit6/02/2014 15:11:41
ValueClick Robocopedit10/02/2004 1:02:23
This user agent verifies the correct placement of the ValueClick banner advertisement code.
W3C_CSS_Validatoredit7/02/2004 18:02:20
Validate your cascading style sheet.
W3C_Validatoredit7/02/2004 18:02:50
A free service that checks documents like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.
WDG_Validatoredit14/08/2011 9:42:01
Web Site Garageedit10/02/2004 1:00:57

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