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User Agents

User Agent Date Added
Fake Opera 7.60edit18/06/2007 0:13:08
went directly to guestbook url from different IP addresses
Fake OS/2 Warp UAedit26/04/2007 23:53:22
fell for bad bot trap (guestbook spam trap)
Feedback Form Spammingedit14/01/2006 0:32:02
Firefox/0.5.6+edit3/04/2007 0:19:06
fell for bad bot trap (guestbook spam trap)
Franklin Locatoredit6/02/2004 23:28:19
FREEedit14/05/2007 0:36:57
fell for bad bot trap (guestbook spam trap)
Full Web Botedit7/02/2004 1:28:17
Green Researchedit6/02/2004 23:28:55
IEAutoDiscoveryedit27/09/2005 11:43:03
aggressive bot (multiple requests per second)
2007.05.07: seems to be a malicious browser-extension that explicitly requests disallowed pages (via robots.txt) that are linked by user-visited page to harvest e-mail-addresses and guestbook-forms.
2005.09.20: came from, querystring correct
2005.09.11: came from, converted querystring to lowercase
Industry Programedit7/02/2004 1:28:49
Indy Libraryedit9/02/2004 22:22:11
The Indy project is an Open Source project that maintains several active projects which grew out of the original Indy project.

Often used by email harvesting and guestbook spamming bots
ISC Systems iRc Searchedit1/11/2006 23:17:41
fell for bad bot trap
IUPUI Research Botedit7/02/2004 1:35:52
KTXNedit21/05/2007 0:10:50
bad url parsing
Lincoln State Web Browseredit7/02/2004 1:36:03
Mac Finderedit6/02/2004 23:29:25
Missauga Locateedit7/02/2004 1:30:10
Missigua Locatoredit6/02/2004 23:32:17
Missouri College Browseedit7/02/2004 1:33:40
Mozilla/5.0edit15/06/2006 22:33:17
very aggressive bot (+5 requests/sec) + fell for bad bot trap when copying a client site.
Second encounter: went directly for url with "guestbook" in it.
MSIE 3.02 AKedit22/12/2011 16:09:44
fell for bad bot trap
OpenWareedit14/03/2010 17:49:47
OutfoxBotedit5/07/2006 0:25:08
PEvaledit7/02/2004 1:31:44
PHOTO CHECKedit13/11/2006 13:35:54
referrer url spamming
Production Botedit7/02/2004 1:14:51
Program Sharewareedit6/02/2004 23:35:13
Snoopyedit27/04/2006 1:00:18
Snoopy is a PHP class that simulates a web browser. It automates the task of retrieving web page content and posting forms, for example.
Spacebugedit23/03/2007 1:15:59
fell for bad bot trap (guestbook spam trap)
spammeredit12/09/2006 0:38:25
SpiderManedit26/09/2006 23:03:18
goes directly after urls with "guestbook" or "news" in it + fell for bad bot trap
Spoofed K-Meleonedit5/08/2007 23:57:34
fell for bad bot trap (guestbook spam trap)
Surf15edit7/02/2004 1:13:02
TOBBOTedit20/04/2017 19:08:15
Web Botedit7/02/2004 1:15:03
WebaltBotedit19/11/2006 18:10:16
forum spamming
Wells Search IIedit13/09/2006 1:18:55
goes after urls with "guestbook" in it
WEP Searchedit6/02/2004 23:36:04
xpymep.exeedit17/01/2011 16:04:07
fell for bad bot trap
xrumerguestbook1.exeedit30/07/2015 19:16:19

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