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User Agent Details of XPLREngine

User Agent Key:XPLREngine
User Agents:XPLREngine (https://www.xplr.com/XPLREngine)
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:N/A
Adheres META tag:N/A
Info:What is XPLR ?

XPLR is using unobtrusive artificial intelligence and machine learning to extract and correlate knowledge from typical activities such as searching and browsing as well as all forms of custom generated data, emails, social media data and big data.

XPLR provides an API allowing users to grab content on the web, providing URLs.

XPLR is not a crawler !

XPLR grabs content from URLs that are provided by the API users, it does not crawl links in fetched pages. Therefore it does not crawl your website by itself (but an API user may use XPLR to build a crawler) and should not cause overload of your server.
Date Added:9/04/2014 10:58:47

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