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User Agent Details of ReverseGet

User Agent Key:ReverseGet/
User Agents:Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; en-US; ReverseGet/1.0; http://reverseget.com/domain/yourdomain.com; robot@reverseget.com)
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; en-US; ReverseGet/1.0; http://reverseget.com/; robot@reverseget.com)
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:N/A
Adheres META tag:N/A
Info:Reverse Get is an online competitive analysis service that is designed to help you collect information on any Internet competitor from public sources. Using our website analysis tools, you can, for example, determine the marketing strategy of a company and the ways to achieve a competitive advantage. Then this information can be used to adjust your own strategy for business development. In addition, Reverse Get can help you collect information on a prospective partner, or evaluate the profitability of purchasing a website before making the final decision.
Date Added:8/01/2012 22:38:31

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