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User Agent Details of EmeraldShield.com

User Agent Key:EmeraldShield.com
User Agents:EmeraldShield.com WebBot
EmeraldShield.com WebBot (http://www.emeraldshield.com/webbot.aspx)
EmeraldShield.com Web Spider (http://www.emeraldshield.com/webbot.aspx)
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:N/A
Adheres META tag:N/A
Type(s): FilteringSoftware
Info:We run a webbot as a part of our spam and web filtration services. This is not a stand alone product, and not something that we sell. It is used to validate domains that our customers are finding through the means listed below.
Our web filter collects domains that customers visit that we have never seen before. If the site is new we send a webbot to review it.

The Emerald Web Shield works by capturing DNS lookups from our customers. If they are visiting a known good site, we pass the legitimate IP of the target machine. If they are trying to visit a blocked site we return an IP that tells them they have been blocked and why. Domains that are unknown (gray) are added to our webbot list for visiting. All domains are then added to our URL database once they have been categorized.
Date Added:27/09/2005 12:11:08

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