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User Agent Details of Emacs-w3 Search Engine

Name:Emacs-w3 Search Engine
User Agent Key:Emacs-w3
User Agents:Emacs-w3m/1.4.4 w3m/0.5.1+cvs-1.946
Emacs-w3m/1.4.503 w3m/0.5.3
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:Yes
Adheres META tag:No
Type(s): IndexingTool
Info:Its purpose is to generate a Resource Discovery database This code has not been looked at in a while, but will be spruced up for the Emacs-w3 2.2.0 release sometime this month. It will honor the /robots.txt file at that time.
Date Added:11/02/2004 22:42:30

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