WebKnight 4.6.2 (2018.05.17) --------------- - FIX: web admin was not accessible on Windows 10 - FEAT: Excluded referrer url for Yahoo search results and Google doubleclick referrers - FIX: bug in multipart/form-data validation scanning. Value included CRLF of next boundary. - FIX: two bugs in multipart header parsing that could be used to bypass scanning - FEAT: detect boundary mismatch in multipart content type - FEAT: scan multipart/form-data for forms authentication - FEAT: scan application/wrml and application/yaml responses for information disclosure - FEAT: when upgrading WebKnight.xml, add notifications to file for GUI - Robots.xml: added type Mail Clients - new log analysis with fix for separator reset when filtering WebKnight 4.6.1 (2018.02.04) --------------- - FEAT: scan multipart/form-data for parameter pollution, input validation and name require regex - FIX: empty content type scan variable length also as text/plain - FIX: Decode ASCII in uppercase unicode format (%U00xx) now supported - Web Applications - FIX: RPC over HTTP disable Post RFC compliant check - Admin - FEAT: Basic Authentication - FEAT: Unblock a single IP address - FIX: /WebKnight/ url excluded from parameter input validation - FIX: editing WebKnight.xml was blocked because content-length>49152 (bug was introduced in 4.6) - Added IP Ranges page in Home and moved Clear Cache from Settings to Home - new config utility with wizard for first time configuration and navigation bar - new log analysis utility with url decode and base64 decode WebKnight 4.6 (2017.11.08) --------------- - FEAT: Limit content length based on content type - FEAT: Denied content-types enabled and filled list with bad ones seen in the wild - FEAT: Detect url parsing errors - FEAT: Added Denied Referrers - FEAT: check for payload RFC compliancy (x-www-form-urlencoded mismatch and missing content length and missing content type) - FEAT: scan application/x-www-UTF8-encoded entities for invalid UTF-8 - FEAT: application/yaml and application/wrml messages also scanned for SQLi and directory traversal - FIX: Added encoding="windows-1252" for XML settings (for blocking ¼script) - FEAT: no longer using Error.log when log file already in use, but use separate log file for that WebKnight instance - Set Max HTTP version length to 8 instead of 15 - Signatures for: - tilde in path and requested file (short filename enumeration and DoS): http://soroush.secproject.com/downloadable/microsoft_iis_tilde_character_vulnerability_feature.pdf - downloading of certificate files that might contain private keys - certain awk exploits and perl/ruby reverse shells - ruby YAML code execution exploit - error pages information disclosure WebKnight 4.5.5 (2017.01.17) --------------- - FIX: Multipart boundary parsing was incorrect (bug was introduced in 4.5.4) - FIX: RemoveRedundantWhitespace also removed ASCII>127 - FIX: Improved performance of scanning Max Content Length and moved to section Content Type - FIX: User Agent scanning is skipped for HTTP/0.9 requests - FIX: Improved compatibility with Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync - Robots.xml - Added possibility to block SEO tools and services (new robots type: SEO) - Removed type: Device - Admin - moved statistics to separate page (no longer on dashboard) - GUI.xsl uses label for checkbox WebKnight 4.5.4 (2016.12.18) --------------- - FIX: Improved performance of SQLi scanning and fixed DoS issue Thanks to Ken De Moor for reporting the issue. - FIX: bypass SQLi scanning by using undocumented concat SQL syntax (works on SQL Server and MS Access) - FIX: Improved compatibility with Team Foundation Server - FIX: installer adds current user to NTFS permissions WebKnight 4.5.3 (2016.09.26) --------------- - FIX: isapi extension corrupted file uploads when embedded nulls in first 48K (bug was introduced in 4.5) - Web applications should not be applied when upgrading settings file WebKnight 4.5.2 (2016.09.17) --------------- - Disabled Secure Cookie as it merges multiple Set-Cookie response headers - FIX: OnUrlMap IIS 8 race condition when already blocked in OnPreprocHeaders by skipping OnUrlMap when blocked in OnPreprocHeaders WebKnight 4.5.1 (2016.06.01) --------------- - FIX: isapi extension was not passing through data beyond 48K to further processors (bug was introduced in 4.5) - FIX: ScanEntity did not correctly parse boundary in multipart content types - FIX: made configuration file shorter than 32767 pixels for CScrollView issue (not all Web Applications settings were shown in 4.5) - FIX: Runtime detection of config changes did not always work (bug was introduced in 4.5) WebKnight 4.5 (2016.04.05) ------------- - Improved signatures from Howest Honeypot Project 2015 - SQLi: remove whitespace around '&' operator before scanning and added more keywords - SQLi: remove multiple '+' concats (works on MS Access and SQL Server) - Added some XSS and malicious html keywords - Fixed XSS regex patterns to avoid bypassing and DoS (patterns were new in 4.4) Special thanks to: Dieter Tinel, Steven Verscheure, Wouter Bloeyaert, Mathias De Weerdt, Matthias Meersseman and all other students! - SQLi: add space before # comment - FIX: WebSocket protocol upgrade conflicted with OnSendRawData - FEAT: Added support for reading third-party blocklists (Tor exit node list...) - FIX: ISAPI Extension processing all post data - FIX: ScanEntity parses all multipart types instead of just multipart/form-data - FIX: IIS 6 response headers were not adjusted when response headers are sent in same chunk as image. - FIX: Denied content types are now case insensitive - FEAT: Scan Transfer-Encoding header - FIX: Parameter validation value extraction removed '=' character from parameter values - FIX: Parameter name validation rule was triggered for non-parameter querystring - FIX: Hot linking: allow relative referrer urls - FIX: Created CSandboxFile for CFile sandbox issue _AfxFullPath2 threw exception because GetVolumeInformation failed when no access on root of drive. In WebKnight 2.1, sandbox mode worked, because that one was compiled with VS6 filecore.cpp version ignoring AfxFullPath errors - FEAT: add HttpOnly and Secure attribute in Cookie - FIX: ping.exe was twice in the list of denied files - FIX: Microsoft Edge fragment in referrer issue - New signatures for detecting: - HttpForbiddenHandler requests - Information Disclosure: - added new payment cards and changed existing regex patterns to reduce false positives - Admin: - FIX: default.asp content-type not sent to browsers - FIX: Chrome would display settings as plain text instead of html (bug was introduced in WebKnight 4.4) - FIX: settings form submit working in combination with IIS module interface - FIX: Installer launch conditions were skipped for IIS 10 - Web Applications: - Allow Paypal IPN WebKnight 4.4 (2015.11.11) ------------- - FEAT: Ability to add validators for web applications - You can add input validation rules to the query/post/cookie parameters - Parameter name require regex - Added additional keywords and regex patterns for detecting: - malicious html (based on http://html5sec.org/) - remote file inclusion - OS commands - web shells - downloading archive files in root of website - More javascript. Thanks to Ashar Javed (@soaj1664ashar) for reporting these additional keywords and suggesting improvements. - XSS with unusual DOM events - XSS media events (see: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_Filter_Evasion_Cheat_Sheet) - Host header scanning: - Moved RFC compliant host header and excluded host headers to separate section in settings. - Added Allowed/Denied Hosts. - Only allow access from loopback to localhost. - Protection against invalid hostnames and worm propagation (on IP address). See regexes in Headers section. - Referrer url: - FEAT: Added allowed starts - FIX: Correctly detects about:blank as a blank referrer - FEAT: Moved Hot Linking to separate section + also scanned when referrer scanning is disabled - FIX: Referrer querystring is also scanned for SQLi/encoding exploits... - Moved excluded IP addresses to connection section in settings. - FIX: RFC compliance: added check for backtick character in url - FEAT: User Agent: deny current date - FEAT: Encoding exploits - Detect various encoding exploits with regex patterns - Detect invalid UTF-8 sequences - FEAT: Improved SQL injection scanning - Added more keywords based on SQLMap tamper scripts - Added more keywords based on OWASP Advanced SQL injection - More whitespace cleanup (all ascii characters <=15 and around dot and plus sign) - Normalize whitespace: add space before /* and after */ (for keyword detection in select/**/*/**/from/**/) - Replace true/false with 1 - FIX: Deny special whitespace also scans for form feed character + fixed atlrx.h for FF and VT characters - FIX: Parameter pollution scanning - Case insensitive comparison for forms authentication and parameter pollution scanning - Cookie remove leading spaces - PHP compatible by replacing reserved characters to underscores and removing leading whitespace when Allow PHP is enabled - Admin: code review refactoring and added X-Frame-Options... WebKnight 4.3 (2015.10.07) ------------- - Added a lot of new keywords for scanning PHP exploits, RFI... - FEAT: RFC compliance check - HTTP url cannot contain fragment when sent to server - FEAT: Deny payloads (entity body) for GET/HEAD/TRACE/DELETE requests - FEAT: Improved SQL injection scanning - added new keywords, special thanks to Khalil Bijjou for reporting two bypasses and suggesting additional keywords - remove redundant whitespace before scanning - replace numeric values with 1 and scan again - scan User-Agent header for SQLi - FIX: OnUrlMap race condition between IIS 8.x and WebKnight that resulted in stack overflow - FIX: Partial content issue with mp3 and mp4 files (not playing in Chrome and IE) - FIX: Module passthrough post data to other modules - FIX: application/json and application/soap+xml scanning - WebKnight 4.2 treated this as binary in request (was no longer scanned for sqli, shellcode, directory traversal) - scanned for information dislosure in response - FIX: ISAPI filter authentication notification can be disabled for global.asax integrated pipeline conflict (IIS 7.x). (See KB 2605401 for more information.) - FEAT: logging (sensitive) postdata can be disabled and moved postdata settings to separate "Post" section in configuration file. - Added new XSS keywords: - animations (animation...), touch (ontouch...), devices (ondevice...) - transitionend, onopen, onwheel, onuserproximity, onlanguagechange - html-encoded "javascript:" - expression( - FEAT: Prevent parameter pollution in querystring/postdata/cookie. - FEAT: Scan Forms Authentication - Form submissions are now scanned by ScanAuthentication() (brute force attacks...) - Web Applications - Allow JSON - Allow REST - Improved TFS compatibility WebKnight 4.2 (2015.07.01) ------------- - Added XSS keywords: ontoggle and onshow. Special thanks to Mazin Ahmed for reporting this. - FEAT: Added version number to settings file for future upgrade paths - Added /fckeditor to denied url sequences - FIX: response headers were not adjusted (in IIS 7 and later) when response headers are sent in same chunk as image. - FIX: response redirect was not working (on IIS 7 and later) when alert was triggered in multiple events (a Location header was added for each event). - FIX: avoid isapi extension request execution with IIS 7 (and later) when alert was triggered in OnUrlMap by returning SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR - FIX: OnSendRawData skip sending alert headers when other headers were already sent to client - Changed postdata scanning to generate fewer false positives - ScanEntity instead of ScanRawData to scan each entity separately when using multipart/form-data - scan variable length only when url encoded or plain text entity - scan encoding exploits/sqli/parent path/variable length by default enabled - Module for scanning POST data for ARR compatibility (ISAPI extension too late in pipeline) - ISAPI extension: - only scan data when not empty - FIX: no longer using HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS_AND_KEEP_CONN - incident response -> drop connection now working - FIX: SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR is returned so our isapi extension no longer executes request when blocked in OnUrlMap (IIS 8 issue) - FIX: OnUrlMap alert would not be displayed in IIS 8.x when extension was installed - Web Applications - Allow ASP.NET MVC - Removed FlashMX (wasn't used) WebKnight 4.1 (2015.02.05) ------------- - FIX: error message was not reported when opening log file failed -> AfxSetResourceHandle is now called at startup - Added HTTP2-Settings in MaxHeaders - FIX: Maximum Length settings (for Content-Length,URL,QueryString,HTTPversion) were not loaded correctly from the new config file format - FIX: Clear MaxHeaders and InformationDisclosure when loading defaults - FIX: Character rules were always blocking the request when enabled (even if monitoring was selected) - Added bitsadmin.exe, powershell.exe, wmic.exe detection (thanks to Joe McCray for reporting this on youtube :-)) - Added cscript.exe, wscript.exe and web.config detection - Added .vbe and cmdlet extensions to denied extensions - Added SQL keywords: || and && and (stored xss:) char(60), char(62) - FIX: replace null by space when hex decoding (to prevent bypass when encoding exploit detection is disabled) -> this prevents bypassing WebKnight with the apostrophenullencode tamper script in sqlmap (was only successful when encoding exploits was disabled) - FIX: major issue in unicode decoding that could bypass WebKnight scanning (bug that was introduced in WebKnight 2.4) - Improved encoding exploit detection and added C-style literals: \o00, \x00, \u0000 and \U00000000 - Decode ASCII in unicode format (%u00xx) now supported - FEAT: Excluded User-Agents - Installer - Unattended setup /qn supported - Optionally launch configuration utility at end of setup - Backup/Upgrade WebKnight.yoursite.xml config files supported (yoursite = application pool identity) - ADMIN - Information messages are now shown in admin - Logging status is now shown WebKnight 4.0 (2014.11.11) ------------- - Changed rules to multiple states instead of just on/off. When a rule is enabled, it can have a custom response action (block/monitor/block IP/monitor IP). - moved Max Querystring/URL to Querystring/URL section instead of Request Limits - Max Referer length is now 4095 instead of 1024 - Added more default/most used passwords based on most used passwords of 2013 - Fixed ISA 2004 incompatibility. WebKnight 3.0 and later were being unloaded because it reported a higher ISAPI filter version than ISA 2004. - Fixed WebKnight 3.x 64-bit installer issue on W2K8 (R2 does not have this issue). Also repackaged 3.2 with this fix. - ScanVariableLength is now skipped if total length of data is smaller than max allowed length WebKnight 3.2 (2014.04.07) ------------- - RPC over HTTP allow slow post + 1 GB content length - FIX: empty url issue in OnUrlMap (now null + empty instead of only null) - FIX: Allow content length header sizes of more than 9 characters - FIX: PDF partial content inline viewer fixed - FIX: files larger than 256MiB download resulted in internal server error (bug in IIS 7.x) - Response Monitor - Client/Server Errors: status is now logged - FEAT: Added ability to add/change/remove response headers and not just Server header and added common response header to prevent XSS/clickjacking - Admin: IP_Authentication no longer shows passwords - FEAT: SQL injection - added Allowed Count in settings - FIX: Deny SQL injection in headers was too restrictive by default (Accept: */* was blocked) - if an alert is triggered in log only mode, the log will show ALERT instead of BLOCKED - FIX: XSS - added new keywords reported by Rafay Baloch - FIX: XSS - removed trailing '=' in javascript events to prevent xss attacks like "onload =" - FIX: Syslog also IPv6 ready - Update robots.xml now also possible from admin homepage - Added "::1" to excluded IP addresses - Added "X-Forwarded-For:" in MaxHeaders - Added HTTP/2.0 in allowed versions for upcoming version of HTTP - Changed maximum size of XML settings files WebKnight 3.1 (2013.07.31) ------------- - FEAT: Change IIS/ISA/TMG logging - correct HTTP status code when alert triggered - possibility to change c-ip with X-Forwarded-For or similar header - FIX: Hot linking use host header only worked when on the standard port 80 - Added max lengths for some non-standard "UA-..." headers and "DNT:" (do not track) - FIX: subsequent response writes were not checked for information disclosure - Removed // from Denied Url, because it also blocks http:// url requests (HTTP 1.1 proxy) - Also log request info (url...) in OnPassThrough event - FIX: Extension requests limit now also works in Forefront TMG/ISA Server... (OnPreprocHeaders) - FEAT: added URL requests limit to help combat DDoS attacks on a particular URL - FEAT: IPv6 ready - FEAT: Added Team Foundation Server compatibility settings - FIX: SOAP also allow content-type 'application/soap+xml' - FIX: empty url issue in OnUrlMap - on startup process owner username is also logged for diagnostics - Updated config.exe utility - lists are now sortable - Admin: - FIX: admin interface was not working on IIS 8 when isapi extension was installed - Help menu with Readme, FAQ, Support and "Check for updates" - Avoid CSRF on admin - Added Diagnostics (echo request + server variables + intercept traffic from an IP) - account used + process + loaded settings file is shown on Home - FEAT: IP ranges also supported in From IP + not excluded when admin is disabled - Regex patterns are now collapsible table - FIX: "force" parameter was not working in updating settings (for reload settings) - FIX: installs correct dynamic robots file from settings - Installer: - FEAT: Upgrade WebKnight.xml settings after installing to newer version of WebKnight - FIX: ISAinstall.vbs now tries to detect the path to Forefront TMG / ISA Server - FIX: issue with IIS 7 installer script (resulted in incomplete registration + uninstall not possible), also repackaged 3.0 with this fix WebKnight 3.0 (2013.04.04) ------------- - FIX: Allow renaming WebKnight.dll to something else, now correct module path is used - FEAT: per process owner settings possible like WebKnight.yoursite.xml (uses application pool identity) - FEAT: Added ISAPI Extension for POST data filtering in IIS 6 and later (IIS 6: manual installation required, IIS 7 done during setup) - removed usage of old MFC ISAPI library - FEAT: Deny Special Whitespace rule added - FEAT: User-Agent - Deny High Bit Shellcode - FEAT: Block too many different User-Agent headers from an IP address in a certain time period - Set Max HTTP version length to 15 instead of 22 - FEAT: Added Excluded Host Headers to exclude certain web sites from being scanned (for TMG published site) - FEAT: /WebKnight/ admin page (for localhost only) - Added alert statistics - Added default.asp for editing XML configuration files - Added reference to XSLT (GUI.xsl) in settings - Settings parsing attribute separator(" or ') now equals separator that started value like in XMLConfig - FIX: Deny Information Disclosure was always enabled (new in 2.5) - Installer - added prerequisite for ISAPI Filters/Extensions in IIS 7 and later - also install 32-bit version for 32-bit applications on 64-bit IIS 7 and later - FEAT: Log file name format can be changed in settings - Added some more SQL injection keywords - Added URL denied sequences: // and /./ WebKnight 2.5 (2012.11.18) ------------- - FEAT: Added excluded urls/querystrings like UrlScan's AlwaysAllowedUrls and AlwaysAllowedQueryStrings - FEAT: Regular expression filtering for URL, querystring, headers, postdata - FEAT: Added Response Monitor section in settings - PCI compliance: credit card number leakage detection - Blacklist IP if a certain amount of client or server errors occur - FEAT: Block slow header/post attacks - Added new WebSocket headers (RFC 6455) and blocked by default - FIX: Incident response handling - block IP wasn't working in 2.4 - FIX: Parsing certain IP addresses generated stack corruption - FIX: Windows 2000 syslog incompatibility - uses now last X-Forwarded-For as the client IP address if multiple headers are present - Improved ISA/TMG support - Added IsInstalledInWebProxy compatibility setting in global filter capabilities to register for OnReadRawData - No longer registering for OnUrlMap event notification - ForeFront TMG 2010 incident response handling incompatibility (no longer using MFC CHttpFilterContext) - filter now flags the SF_NOTIFY_FLAG_LARGE_SIZE_AWARE for Forefront TMG >4GB limitation - FEAT: dynamic robots.txt for cloaking - FIX: OnSendRawData gives error on IIS 7 when downloading files larger than 256MB -> disable event notification when all settings in response monitor are unchecked - on startup now ISAPI version of IIS/ISA/TMG and process info is logged - FIX: minor bug in logging 2 entries if logging allowed + already flushed (monitored IP) - FEAT: Added url list to protect from being hotlinked. This blocks CSRF on those urls. - Added additional Javascript events for XSS detection + prevent style tag injection - Added new robots type: Translation WebKnight 2.4 (2010.12.29) ------------- - Added Syslog - Updated LogAnalysis - bugfixes + sort column now possible - Major BUGFIX: URL decode should ignore % sign if not followed by valid hex (could be used to bypass scanning) - Added Deny Multiple Colons (':') in path for requests like /file/http://test - Installer - BUGFIX: no longer required to have access to inetsrv\config folder - Set NTFS permissions for current user/NETWORK SERVICE/IIS_IUSRS on WebKnight folder - restart IIS during setup - Applications compatibility - WinRM + by default denied access to /powershell - Changed BlockIP to blacklist: now able to specify the number of alerts in a certain time span before blocking an IP address WebKnight 2.3 (2010.04.03) ------------- - Logging - Per process logging no longer in subfolder but processid is in the filename - Added per process owner logging for IIS 7.5 and multiple application pools - Added error message logging (Error.log) if access to log file is denied - Added ClientIPVariable for support for reverse proxy/CDN instead of always using REMOTE_ADDR - Added generic data/querystring/cookie variable + header maximum length scanning - Added ripping protection of certain file extensions (like jpg,exe...) - Added M-SEARCH to denied methods (UPNP) - Adding comments to IP ranges is now possible: " //localhost" - fixed minor bug in XML settings: 'Denied Content Types' instead of 'Deny Content Types' - Added compatibility with - Office Sharepoint Server 2007 - Virtual Server 2005 - Changed maximum length of "Authorization:" header 4000 -> 5120 for Kerberos - Changed maximum length of "User-Agent:" header 256 -> 320 - HackResponse no longer sends message body in HEAD request (only in OnPreprocHeaders()) - Removed .axd file from denied sequences (too much used by ASP.NET websites) - Added /xmlrpc. to the list of blocked urls - IPv6: Adjusted CIPAddress class to template - SQL Injection - now logs which keywords are found - Added SQL Keywords: dbo. ; master.. ; @@version ; @@servername ; @@servicename ; @@fetch_status ; db_name ; db_id ; is_member ; is_srvrolemember ; object_id ; object_name ; col_length ; col_name ; syscolumns ; sysname ; system_user ; quotename ; isnull ; xtype ; varchar ; char(9) ; char(94) ; char(32) ; char(85) ; cursor ; sp_configure ; backup ; /* ; */ ; information_schema WebKnight 2.2 (2008.09.02) ------------- - First 64bit and IIS7 release (adjusted installer scripts to use new IIS7 API instead of metabase) - Disabled registering for OnReadRawData event on IIS7 and later - Added Denied Content-Types - Frontpage 2008 (and previous) uses empty url in OnUrlMap - Added logging of "Host:" header - Now also logs ASP.NET error response body (ASP classic used querystring for error number) - Updated default keywords Url: /siteadmin Querystring: c:\ Filename: .aspx. ; .asa. ; .asax. ; backdoor ; admin.pw ; test.cgi -> test. Extensions: .old ; .backup ; .000 ; .asp~ ; .dbf & .dbx -> .db ; SQL injection: char(124) ; cast( ; fetch next ; allocate ; MySQL string escape character ; =!( - Referrer scan - Extended with DenySQLInjection - Cookie scan - Extended with DenyHighBitShellCode, DenyDirectoryTraversal, DenySequences - Fixed bug with scanning for SQL injection: make lowercase - Added blocking/monitoring of IP address if alert (response handling) - Added IP range format - Blocked certain query string/postdata injection attacks - http:// injection - php script injection (