1.8.6 (2018.02.20) ------------------ - FIX: when filtering, separator would be lost 1.8.5 (2018.01.30) ------------------ - FEAT: Drag & Drop log file on application window opens file - FIX: Set focus to list when returning to app - FEAT: Url and Base64 decode selection in details view - FEAT: Separator=Auto in settings, autodetects separator - FEAT: EOL in settings for manually set string (EOL=Auto, autodetects EOL) - FEAT: Export to XML - FIX: JSON export - object list: comma was inside object and rows now wrapped in JSON array - Code review and cleanup 1.8.4 (2017.07.07) ------------------ - FEAT: pressing ESC key or File -> Cancel Reading pauses reading log file - FIX: exception when closing main frame while reading file that was opened with File -> Open - FIX: set icon of WHOIS dialog to application icon - FIX: using system font for WHOIS and about dialog box - Extracted JSON class with escaping/formatting methods 1.8.3 (2016.10.23) ------------------ FIX: last entry is reloaded when it was incomplete between file reads FEAT: save windowstate + size + position + splitter position in settings FIX: "no log files" message at startup is now shown in statusbar FIX: try to detect field separator when none set and first line as header is enabled FIX: try to detect field separator when none set and going to separator dialog FEAT: when adding an include filter, the keyword is removed from the exclude filter and vice versa FIX: changing filters no longer resets the columns FEAT: export to JSON 1.8.2 (2016.03.23) ------------------ FEAT: Word wrapping for details view FEAT: DNS reverse lookup when given an IP address FIX: WHOIS lookup: - \r\n was shown as 2 newlines - parsing referral server urls (rwhois://) - remember used WHOIS server when saving settings FIX: fixed splitter cursor by commenting _AFX_NO_SPLITTER_RESOURCES FEAT: added up and down arrow buttons in toolbar FEAT: backspace same as arrow up in LogViewList FEAT: made some dialogs sizable (startup logfile selection and whois lookup) Code review: extracted new LogReader class from LogViewList 1.8.1 (2015.12.20) ------------------ FEAT: spacebar same as arrow down in LogViewList FIX: issues with large files: - increased bufsize for better performance - status bar count reset when opening another file - LoadDefaultFile is now deferred until UI is visible, so you see the progress 1.8 (2015.07.26) ------------------ FEAT: Added print functionality FEAT: Added edit filters dialog FEAT: Export (filtered) view to a file FEAT: Progress in status bar while reading (large) log files FEAT: Added Redo menu item FIX: missing dialog button accelerators Code review (+compiles again in VS 6.0 but then without CListCtrl sorting and CRichEdit redo functionality) 1.7.1 (2015.06.13) ------------------ FIX: WHOIS ReferralServer lookup was no longer working 1.7 (2015.02.04) ---------------- FEAT: EOL detected instead of hardcoded CRLF FEAT: Remember used filter strings (for current session only) FEAT: Filter -> Max Entries for limiting the number of entries read from large files (default: 500000 entries) FIX: FilteredCount invalid value when no file is opened at startup and SetStatusBarCount is called 1.6 (2014.08.31) ---------------- FIX: Enabled menu Undo/Cut/Copy/Paste FIX: Menu accelerator keys are now working FIX: DNS/Whois selected text is used in query FEAT: Added more icons in toolbar (Open, DNS, WHOIS, Filter, Save) FEAT: Added command line argument for log file FEAT: Added Trim possibility for removing leading and trailing whitespaces and double quotes FEAT: Parsing first line as header is also possible 1.5 (2013.04.01) ---------------- FEAT: Added filtered entries count in status bar FIX: when opening default log file (with startup dialog) in 1.4, log entries count was not shown, unless you resized window FEAT: Added CLogAnalysisSettings class for serializing settings (LogAnalysis.ini) FIX: reading files larger than 2GB (using LONGLONG and ULONGLONG since VS2005 instead of LONG in VS6) FEAT: added F5 refresh in list 1.4 (2011.01.11) ---------------- FEAT: sort when clicking in column header FIX: status bar entry count was not updated when ReadLogAppend() was called FIX: Icon was not showing in title bar and task bar (known bug in MFC AppWizard) FIX: Closing a file and clicking in the list would re-read the file (now filename is also cleared) FIX: If manually set header and only 1 log entry, separator did not work 1.3 (2009.10.08) ---------------- added separator dialog to manually set field separator added log file separator recognition for: [";"]+[","]+[" "] localization: strings in resource file behavior change: Containing filter now all keywords have to be present instead of just one dialogs: changed tabindexes + default buttons 1.2 (2008.07.04) ---------------- Released as separate download on AQTRONIX.com 64-bit version RichEditDetails: capitalized messages in last column in red font FIX: when document opened and open another document with no columns it would not be visible: reset variables also in CLogViewList.Clear() Moved list & details each to different class and added Splitter between them Added DNS Lookup Added Entries count in status bar 1.1 (2007.10.08) ---------------- Released with WebKnight 2.1 Fixed error in WHOIS lookup (CClientSocket class) Added View->Filter->Add & Clear 1.0 (2006.12.24) ---------------- Official released with WebKnight 2.0